Picture for Payson, AZ

Local Businesses in Payson, AZ

Payson is located in the northern part of Gila County. Since the city is geographically located in the center of Arizona, it was named "The Heart of Arizona."

In 2018, the city's population was 15,5 thousand people, with a median household income of $50,049. The median property value in Payson city is $221,700, and the homeownership rate is 74.4%.

The economy of Payson employs 5,72 thousand people. The city's largest industries are Retail Trade, Accommodation and Food Services, Health Care and Social Assistance. The highest paying industries are Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, Professional, Scientific and Management Administrative and Waste Management Services, Utilities.

Compared to other places, Payson city has many people working as Fire Fighting and Prevention, Other Protective Service workers including Supervisors, Construction and Extraction Occupations, Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations.

Local Businesses in Payson, AZ
Local Businesses in Payson, AZ (download as PDF)

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