Picture for Cottonwood, AZ

Local Businesses in Cottonwood, AZ

Cottonwood is the economic heart of the Verde Valley. The City of Cottonwood recently went through an extensive re-branding process and is now known as the “Heart of Arizona Wine Country". Focused on the Old Town Cottonwood tourist area, the City is the epicenter of the renowned Verde Valley wine region of Arizona.

Cottonwood is the bustling trading hub of the Verde Valley and is a thriving city with a beautiful all-year-round climate and a flourishing environment, excellent life quality, and a wide variety of outdoor attractions.

To boost the area economy and promote local and regional tourism activities, the City of Cottonwood established the Tourism and Economic Department. The focus is on improving the economic vitality and commitment of the city's new tourist and economic development staff and the business community.

The economy of Cottonwood employs 5360 people. The largest industries in the city are Accommodation and Food Services, Health Care and Social Assistance, and Retail Trade. The highest paying industry is Professional, Scientific and Technical Services.

Local Businesses in Cottonwood, AZ
Local Businesses in Cottonwood, AZ (download as PDF)

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